The broad road religion

Dear Woke Christian, CRT is a cult. It’s a cult of the broad road. What do I mean?In the true Christian faith we do work, learn and grow in Christ as a group/church. However, each person is responsible for thier faith, work and growth. I know that my pastor can...

The Beatitudes

Dear Woke Christian, I did a video on the YT channel showing a lady mistreating the passage in Mattehw 5 known as the beatitudes. She reframed them as some kind of confession and called them “The Beatitudes of BLM”. Gross! While reading today I ran across...

Step into the Light

Dear Woke Christian, There’s a wonderful quote by Dr. S. Ferguson in his book Grow in Grace that I’d like to share with you. When we become Christains we are brougt out of darkness ito God’s marvellous light (1 Peter 2:9). God who at creation said,...

The Anti-Gospel

Dear Woke Christian, Let’s talk about the real issue on the table. CRT is the Anti-Gospel gospel. What I mean by this is that CRT takes the biggest factor of true conversion and salvation out of the equation. CRT removes personal responsibility for SIN. CRT...