Dear Woke Christian,

CRT is a cult. It’s a cult of the broad road. What do I mean?
In the true Christian faith we do work, learn and grow in Christ as a group/church. However, each person is responsible for thier faith, work and growth. I know that my pastor can only preach so much and I need to take responsibility for my own actions and submit to the truth that he’s preaching. He will be held responsible for preaching truth. I will be responsible for obeying and submitting to it.

However, in the cult, it doesn’t play out the same. We’re seen as huge groups and if the group meets a certain tipping point the entire group is that thing. So if the melanin content of the group is high they all have the same experiences, feelings and ideas bar none. Rarely are individuals seen as…individuals and not as a part of the group. It’s almost like Woke ideology believes it’s insulated from God’s truth because they’re in a huge group.

This is exactly what Christ spoke against, this large group slavation, because it’s not real. Matthew 7:13 is very clear that we need to consider the narrow gate. Well, there’s almost no way to do that as a huge group. I won’t be able to come to the wicket gate and point to the merit of someone behind more or someone way ahead of me. I will have to come to that door on my own.

Now surely someone disagrees with me and that’s fine. Take the time to look at the passage and the related passages. Isaiah speaks of a highway, but I don’t think we can glean that this contradicts what the Lord said in Matthew.

CRT seeks to herd people into large groups and disperse responsibility on the whole. That’s not Christianity. That’s another religion, but I think you already knew that.