Liberation vs Freedom

Dear Woke Christian, I realize that you may or may not even know about “liberation theology”. It would be a religious forerunner to CT which is of course is a forefunner to CRT. Well, I ran across this video and this guy nails it. Since he supports LT he...

Let’s discuss IXK

Dear Woke Christian, A major sticking point has been that CRT almost relishes in the fact that most of it’s adhearants won’t check what they’re saying in light of the Bible. I want to prove that point to you with a video discussion. I was going to...

The Gospel is so much better

Dear Woke Christian, Suppose there was a Chef who prepared a dish that quite honestly changed people’s actual lives. This Chef freely gives out the recipe with one caveat, don’t add or take anything from it. Would you go to a restaurant where the chef...

Please consider

Dear Woke Christian, Watching society unravel almost by the hour, it can become discouraging and even overwhelming. Knowing that the possibility of your way of life will soon be seen as criminal is a reality is sobering. However, knowing that the community around you...