Scriptural Perspectives on Today’s Issues

Engaging Faith, Challenging Norms

Dive into our blog for thought-provoking discussions on faith’s intersection with modern societal issues.

Our posts challenge conventional narratives, offering deep scriptural analysis on topics like CRT, Progressive Christianity, and BLM. Engage with us as we provide a unique perspective on these complex issues, fostering a community of believers who seek wisdom through Scripture. Each entry invites you to a journey of discovery, where biblical truth enlightens and guides our understanding of today’s world.

Nehemiah 9

Dear Woke Christian, Ezra and Nehemiah are wonderful stories of God's faithfulness to any unworthy people. Read them both. Today day we're just...

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Today in Meme-ology

Dear Woke Christian, You've seen it just like I have. Matter of fact I might be slightly guilty. But I digress. Come on. The idea that anyone...

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Acts 2:14-26

Dear Woke Christian, Acts 2:14-26 Let's look at the day that the Church stated, Pentacost. The day of Pentecost and Peter’s preaching have been...

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Ezra 9

Dear Woke Christian, Ezra 9 This is an interesting verse to use for corporate repentance. Be careful, it’s a narrative. We have to be very careful...

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Or maybe….just maybe

Dear Woke Christian, At what point will you begin to see that this is being used as a lever to separate Chrsitans of every color? You can't have a...

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Daniel 9

Dear Woke Christian, I was interested in digging into the Bible verses CRT supporters use. The next couple of posts will address them. Daniel 9 Fun...

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This week in Meme-ology

Dear Woke Christian, Do we really need CRT? it seems to be a big discussion now adays.

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No condemnation

Dear Woke Christian, You've heard it before, but today let's look at it again. Romans 8:1-2, let's go! Life in the Spirit...

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Bring us the BOOK!

Dear Woke Christain, I had a wonderful text message conversaiton with gentleman who disagreed wtih my assessment of CRT. There is no issue with...

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Liberation vs Freedom

Dear Woke Christian, I realize that you may or may not even know about "liberation theology". It would be a religious forerunner to CT which is of...

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