Dear Woke Christian,

CRT starts with this faulty premise that EVERYTHING is racist. I’ve pointed out earlier that everything can’t be “racist” because “race” is made up.

There are, however, injustices that exist. The problem is we label them wrong.
What we call “racism” is actually “partiality”. That’s what the James 2:1-13 calls it. Focus on 2:1.

Now, if you call it a “sin” rather than a made up word you actually have a solution for the problem, the Gospel. The only way we point someone out of their sinful state is to shine the light of the Gospel for them.

The beautiful thing about the Gospel is that each and everyone of us needs to hear it. We need to hear of our sin, Christ’s perfect life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension. We have to hear that there is forgiveness for our sin in faith in Christ. We have to hear that wonderful Good News.

This leads to a very, very thorny issue. In CRT there is no Salvation. There is no good news in CRT. There is not way for the “oppressor” to repent enough and be saved. BINGO!