Dear Woke Christian,

I get it, now. It is really easy to see the issues of the past and even today and “know” they’re racist. I get it.

There is one slight issue and it’s buggered me for a while. In this world view there is no hand of God. In order to buy into “woke Christianity” I have to deny that God is working all things for my good. And by all I mean all. So basically to embrace a form of deoism to be down with Wokeanda. I mention this because I’ve been reading up on The Reformation in England and Europe as a whole. For a while I’ve wondered “why” so much was happening there rather than other parts of the world or region. But to ask that question I’d need to go back to Abraham and ask if there wasn’t a sun-worshipper in South America God could’ve used. Or if there wasn’t a guy wiht a propencity to follow directions in Middle Africa. I mean are you telling me that there were NO qualified “fathers of the faith” in Asia? Really?

But that’s the rub. It’s God’s redemptive story being played out to his perfect script. For whatever reason He chose to move in this way. And similarly He chose to use Europe as the springboard for much of what we understand today. Does that take away from any of the advancements of other cultures? No, not at all. It only shows that Psalm 115:3 is true. Our God does sit in the Heavans and He does do whatever He pleases.

Naw, I am going to pass. I can see God moving all of creation, even the bad things in His perfect plan. So I take it back, I don’t get it. I don’t get it at all.