Dear Woke Christian,

I am going to rift off a very insightful book “Preaching to the Choir” today. This is where I picked up the Do (imperative) vs. Done (indicative) pattern. John Svendsen the author points out that the Do vs Done pattern of the Gospel can be seen in the acronym P.O.E.M.S.

The indicative provides the Pattern for the imperative Look at John 13:15. Here Christ walks out a Gospel pattern for believers.

The indicative provides the Obligation for the imperative Let’s check out Paul’s writing to the Corinthian church in 6:18-20. Why should they not visit pagan temple prostitutes? Check it out and see why not.

The indicative provides the Emancipation for the imperative Grace leads to works. Salvation leads to service. Receiving justification from him leads to doing justice for others. *Notice that I can’t DO justice until I have RECEIVED justification and that is only through the Gospel.,

The indicative provides the Motivation for the imperative 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 The Gospel actually motivates and encourages us to share with others. We’ve been given much and it’s only right that we share it.

The indicative provides the Safety net for the imperative 1 Peter 2:24-25 None of us are perfect and we do mess up even when we have the best of intentions. The Gospel provides a safety net of sorts. No matter how much we might muddle it up, the true Gospel will still prevail.

Dear brother and sister ask yourself if you’ve been sharing the true Gospel? If you’ve been sharing a CRT flavored Gospel I can tell you that it was no Gospel at all. Let go of the CRT gospel and return to the true Gospel.