Dear Woke Christian,
“Money laundering” is the term used to “clean” dirty (illegal) money and make it useable legally. There are many ways this can be done, but the many ways seem to be broken down into Simple and Hard methods. Since this isn’t a how-to lesson I will stop there, but I want to show how this happens within the church all the time.
A non-biblical cultural teaching is presented at the church doors. Thankfully no one lets it in, it’s not biblical. However, someone finds an off bible passage to tag onto the bad teaching and now it is able to come in. Now that the teaching is in the church people can either kick it out, embrace it or analyze it. Many people choose to embrace it, because it has a few bible verses attached to it and even the pastor has mentioned it from the pulpit. Very few seek to analyze it and even fewer voice kicking it out. People are talking about this teaching outside the church so the church must be hip on what everyone else is talking about. In honesty the church is late to the game, but they don’t want to be seen as out of step on such a crucial teaching. So the formally non-Biblical teaching now is full “Biblical”. It’s even being paraded as a salvation issue or a major pillar of the Gospel. Jesus would support this and He actually did support this teaching when you compare the Bible to other modern writers who’s books we’ve embraced because this teaching needed new modern scholars. More books, conference speakers and lectures are held in order to cement this teaching into the foundation of the Church. It’s now a major doctrine. If one rejects it, they may not even be a believer in Christ.
So a clearly non-Biblical teaching has been “baptized” and cleansed of all it’s baggage. Now it can be proudly shared from pulpits, videos and even songs. Gone are the rough edges of a teaching outside the Bible. Now it’s sanded smooth and polished to gleam like any of the 12 foundations of the new Jerusalem.
Dear brother/sister, is this a far cry? Am I being over the top? Isn’t this exactly what happened with the prosperity gospel, health and wealth or the little gods doctrine? Oh, you thought I was talking about how CRT has infiltrated the church, didn’t you? Why would you think that?
CRT has been “money laundered” into the church. A clearly unbiblical idea has been sanded and shined, wined and dined until it could pass for any sound biblical teaching. But is it? I challenge you to in context support any premise of CRT from the Bible. The problem with money laundering and false doctrine laundering is that God still knows and eventually you will have to answer for your sin of letting the mafia run the church.
Everyone who promotes CRT, while under maybe the quise of helping and advocating justice for others really at the root of it only does it to serve themselves, from those who want to say hey look at me, to those who want to feel internally better about themselves, to those who just want to gain material wealth, resources, and power, to those who make it about race. But ultimately they do all theses things to serve themselves, it selfish in nature, its man centered, worldly centered, temporal centered. All these things are not of God.
As a former teacher I find it interesting how this parallels new teaching paradigms that rotate in education. Everything is “new and amazing” and “the answer” until it is not. We have to be vigilant against the invasion of the church with these kind of theories.