Bring us the BOOK!

Dear Woke Christain, I had a wonderful text message conversaiton with gentleman who disagreed wtih my assessment of CRT. There is no issue with disagreement. As I told him I want to be right only as far as I’m biblical. I don’t want to argue a point that...

Liberation vs Freedom

Dear Woke Christian, I realize that you may or may not even know about “liberation theology”. It would be a religious forerunner to CT which is of course is a forefunner to CRT. Well, I ran across this video and this guy nails it. Since he supports LT he...

Let’s discuss IXK

Dear Woke Christian, A major sticking point has been that CRT almost relishes in the fact that most of it’s adhearants won’t check what they’re saying in light of the Bible. I want to prove that point to you with a video discussion. I was going to...