Flag on the play

Dear Woke Christian, In Galatians 2, Paul confronts Peter. I am not going to expound on why, go read it yourself. What I do want to point out is that Paul doesn’t question Peter’s conversion. No one was questioning if Peter understood the Gospel. His...

We need the real Gospel

Dear Woke Christian, Do you smell that? It’s the smell of society burning all around you. If ever before the true Gospel needs to be preached to any and everyone. However, you’ve spent so much time dividing and attacking true brothers and sisters in Christ...

We need a stern wake up

Dear Woke Christian, I am sure you saw the events in Afghanistan this week. No doubt you’ve heard of the reports of Christians who were left in the country and are now being hunted down. Did you see the pics of Christians being crucified on crosses? Wow. So my...

Money laundering

Dear Woke Christian, “Money laundering” is the term used to “clean” dirty (illegal) money and make it useable legally. There are many ways this can be done, but the many ways seem to be broken down into Simple and Hard methods. Since this...

Consider it

Dear Woke Christian, Digging through several “woke sermons”, lectures and speeches, I’m coming to a realization. The notion of “lived experiences” is an idol to CRT. Take the time and listen to how one person’s experience is laid...