Or maybe….just maybe

Dear Woke Christian, At what point will you begin to see that this is being used as a lever to separate Chrsitans of every color? You can’t have a dissenting voice? Well, I can and I will use it. The notion that any form of disagreement with CRT will be met with...

Daniel 9

Dear Woke Christian, I was interested in digging into the Bible verses CRT supporters use. The next couple of posts will address them. Daniel 9 Fun fact, I LOVE the book of Daniel. Double fun fact I love it not only because of Daniel. I love to see how God was patient...

This week in Meme-ology

Dear Woke Christian, Do we really need CRT? it seems to be a big discussion now adays. https://videopress.com/v/julqQJik?preloadContent=metadata Let’s discuss it. What do you think about the info-graphic and it’s claims? Do we need any of this in...