Dear Woke Christian,
Jesus had some very curious words for two tragedies that happened during His time. One was a huge building project that failed and one where the government came into a temple and killed several people. Let’s read the passage.
Repent or Perish
13 There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. 2 And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? 3 No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. 4 Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? 5 No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”
Do you see that Jesus didn’t start a protest, riot or a hashtag? He actually told the people what He had been saying all along, repent. It’s almost as if the temporal things weren’t nearly as important to Him as life eternal.
The notion that Jesus came to bring peace and justice in this world is a very curious approach. There isn’t anywhere in the Bible that supports that idea. We just read that He literally preached repentance when He was told about two national tragedies.
Why do you think the CRT crowd focuses on Jesus saying and doing things that He clearly didn’t say or do? I just find that so odd. What about you?
The subtle deception is that progressive Christians (those that support CRT) would say that it is a call to repent. That white people and white systems need to repent of their intrinsic racism. The problem comes after repentance…CRT says now lament…then contribute to reparations, but Jesus has atoned for and forgiven the sinner. Not to mention it is impossible for me to repent for a sin that someone else has committed. I can grieve that sin, I can join in the sorrow and suffering of the oppressed and the oppressor, but my responsibility ends there. The only reason I can grieve at all is because I love God, when I love God I love his creation (mankind), and when I love God I grieve when his creation is entrenched in sin.
“It’s almost as if the temporal things weren’t nearly as important to Him as life eternal.”
For woke Christians, how can worldly reparations be such a focus for you when Jesus has already made the most important reparation for you, the only reparation that really matters in your whole entire existence? How can you let worldly reparations overshadow the price and ransom that he already paid for you. You wanting worldly reparations is a slap in the face to Jesus. Was His crucifixion not enough for you? You are crucifying Jesus all over again. Jesus crucifixion satisfied God’s justice, but it wasn’t JUST what happened to Jesus. It wasn’t really JUST but it did satisfy God’s justice. You woke Christian already have such a huge debt that you could never pay back. You are permanently indebted and YET YOU WANT TO BE PAID BACK YOU WOKE CHRISTIAN! DESPICABLE!!!
to me the scriptures are saying that the people that perished were not the worst of the worst yet they still perished. Jesus was saying that everyone is not beyond perishing. Everyone but repent and be repentant. Woke Christian if your focus is where it should be on repentance and being repentant then it leaves no place or time to focus on such things as reparations.