Scriptural Perspectives on Today’s Issues

Engaging Faith, Challenging Norms

Dive into our blog for thought-provoking discussions on faith’s intersection with modern societal issues.

Our posts challenge conventional narratives, offering deep scriptural analysis on topics like CRT, Progressive Christianity, and BLM. Engage with us as we provide a unique perspective on these complex issues, fostering a community of believers who seek wisdom through Scripture. Each entry invites you to a journey of discovery, where biblical truth enlightens and guides our understanding of today’s world.


Dear Woke Christian, My hope and goal is to show you that CRT is a dangerous virus that has crept into the Church. It has no place there and we need...

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KDubTru coming at you

Dear Woke Christian, KDubTru is a fantastic voice that should be considered. Check him out, his channel is great and let's elevate those voices....

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The Proverbial Life

Dear Woke Christian, Here's another clip from a brother in Christ that I know will challenge your thinking. Let's talk about it....

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Timothy Brindle

Dear Woke Christian, Here's a wonderful brother in the Lord that I honestly think needs to be heard. Let's make that happen....

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Mutual respect

Dear Woke Christian, Let's hear from Kimi again.

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Blessed are the merciful?

Dear Woke Christian, By now you should be able to see that CRT is a totally different thought process foreign from Biblical Christianity. I am sure...

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Here’s a debate

Dear Woke Christian, This maybe a great chance to hear thinkers from both sides flesh out a topic. Let's hear what you think....

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Dear Woke Christian, I realize something. The less media I consume the more content I am with what I have, what I don't have, and that I belong to...

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CAT and Kimi

Dear Woke Christian, Here are two other voices I'd like to suggest be elevated. What do you think?...

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Double voice to elevate

Dear Woke Christian, Let's check out two voices today. Come on Christian,...

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